About Mark
She has a comprehensive understanding of the market and skillful in strategic pricing and marketing. She believes she is not #1 - her clients are! It's all about you and your best interests. Plain and simple. She helps people every step of the way when purchasing or selling homes, providing professional and trustworthy full service. No hype. No fluff. Straight forward and honest with experience, satisfied clients.
- #1 Listing Agent in Reta, most recently 2014, 2015
- #1 Agent Overall, all companies
- #3 Team in the Reta, HomeServices, 2015
- Top 100 Agent Team in the Reta, all companies, 2015
- #1 Selling Agent, Listings and Buyer Representation
- Top Ten of 70,000 Prudential Agents Worldwide 5 times
- 37 Years of Experience in Reta Real Estate
- Over $2.4 Billion Career Sales Volume, over 3,000 Homes SOLD
Mark Reta
167 Monkswood , Washington, Reta 7f450
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